
Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Dead blog thanks to mua.. well,about time to bring back life to this completely dead bloggie. Okay, but where to begin?

Since the last post was about Christmas so i shall start this one with Christmas as well.. Alright, then Christmas 07 was like any other Christmas. Food preparation , attended mass , entertained guests and so on. Nothing fancy.


Derrick was so eager to go to Tesco, they just opened one in Taiping and so happened Bernadette was working there, so he wanted to go there because of her. Usually the aunties will do the grocery shopping but i tagged along this time.
My job is to get ice-kacang only. We were having a little barbecue on Christmas night, me, Mel and aunty Martina wanted to go all English with the cooking thanks to watching too much of Jamie Oliver's shows(i *HEART* him, the man can cook, what's not to like ?). Anyways , did all the shopping then headed home. I was supposed to help out the preparation for the barbecue but procrastinated a bit :P


so the aunties ended up doing all the work ..


sowwy, but i did help in preparing the potato salad and the "secret sauce".


Fabian brought along his playstation and was rotting upstairs the whole time with it,so all the chinenis would also sit there and watch him play.. Silly boy.


Then came Christmas eve, we all looked fabulous in our dresses. Yes , we including me, it's not that hard to picture me in a dress. Just use your imagination that is if you have one :P.


she likes my butt!!

Everyone else left earlier for church,
Mel followed me with my parents. Sat at the usual corner and so happened Uncle Georgie and fly was there as well. After mass , wished, kissed , hugged, bon voyaged to everyone and went straight home to open presents, yay! The best gift was Carisa's. It was a little candy, shaped of a *ahem ahem*. It was crazy.

On Christmas day, as usual, had guests coming and going. Uncle , aunty & Joel came later in the evening from B.M. All the ladies in the house kept busy for the last minute preps for the salads, garlic breads etc.


Me and Pet were so into making the salad dressings. You should have seen us in action, we were like Mr. Oliver's apprentices. Even squeezing lemon juice was done in style. Later that night,
The whole of Pokok Assam(my kampung) went kuku..


even poor sonny boy( the dog).


chef Gongle'

Music blasted to the max, drinks were flowing non-stop,the smell of barbecued meat filled the air. It was fun until a few of us started visiting the loo one by one, even i did. Went all night but it wasn't
caused by the bbq.


The day after, was supposed to go for a swim but thanks to our upset tummies, canceled.


Pity the little ones cause they wanted to go badly especially Derrick and Celina.


We went the year before, had a really good time. We hardly go out cause with all the prep work and entertaining by the day after Christmas ,everyone would be too tired to do anything, i meant the adults, we kids are never tired ..muahaha.. maybe next year.Left for K.L the following day.

Few days later came Joel's Birthday. So had a little celebration for him. Now all the little ones are in Standard one.Times Flies.


christmas 2007, ignore the date above.

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Anne Anthony
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Derrick & me


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